• kkalogiannis@uowm.gr
  • University of Western Macedonia, Kozani ZEP area, 50100, Kozani, Greece


Ecolefins Partners
The Εcolefins project consortium is made up of the most relevant experts in the field, coming from different background and different countries: Universities (Technical University of Crete, Politecnico di Torino, University of Groningen, University of St. Andrews), Research Centers (Certh, Julich) and Companies (Helleniq Energy, Elcogen).
Chemical Processes and Energy Resources Institute

University of Western Macedonia mission is to make the world a better place through research and education, in line with the overall strategy of UOWM. We strive to deliver world-leading research, education and leadership in chemical engineering and its transformational application to industry and the society.

Agricultral University of Athens

The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) offers high-level undergraduate and postgraduate Education and Research in Agricultural Science, and its vision is to achieve Educational and Research Excellence so as to occupy a dynamic position in the international academic environment.


CERTH is one of the largest Research Centres in Greece and among the TOP - 12 EU institutions with the highest participation in competitive research grants.